Automation & Digitalisation Roadmap

Automation & Digitalisation Roadmap


MMC tasked HPC with developing a digitalisation and automation roadmap for all their facilities. The project featured a detailed overview of the existing levels of sophistication in the MMC terminals portfolio related to automation and digitalisation initiatives and their respective status. These overviews were benchmarked with other facilities and operators to determine a range of development options and opportunities for MMC moving into the future. A longlist of options was developed and a generic implementation sequence determined. This was further detailed and staged to provide a consolidated and sequenced implementation across the portfolio based on value creation for MMC.

Tasks Performed

  • Assessed current and planned technology application status for all facilities
  • Prepared overviews for automation & digitalisation opportunities
  • Benchmarking of established automation and digitalisation sophistication
  • Developed options for further improvement and a staged implementation sequence
  • Coordination with key facility stakeholders
  • Determined a facility-specific implementation plan
  • Harmonised implementation enabling synergy effects
  • Detailed board workshop on automation and digitalisation strategy


HPC presented suitable options for optimisation across the portfolio to MMC and how they can implement them with minimal disruption to the business.

HPC's Expertise:
Automation Roadmap

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

MMC Port Holdings Sdn. Bhd.

Financed by:

04/2022 - 12/2022

Project Team

Sven Daniels
Sven Daniels

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Patrick Specht
Patrick Specht

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